2009年8月3日 星期一

SaveJapanDolphins.org | Ending dolphin slaughter in Taiji

SaveJapanDolphins.org Ending dolphin slaughter in Taiji

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看了一些影片(<--請點觀看),很替這可愛的海洋生物感到無奈! 人類的貪婪與無之不斷地在傷害地球上的所有生命,包括自己!
The Cove --- Shallow water, Deep secret.
All of my life I have been passionate about nature and the environment. Having grown up in San Diego, the beach was my backyard, and I thought I was pretty well versed in issues about the ocean and the creatures that inhabit it. So, it's been an especially illuminating experience for me to work on the social action campaign for the documentary, The Cove, which exposes the shocking practice of capturing and killing dolphins that takes place every year in Taiji, Japan. The film not only leaves you ready to take action to save Japan's dolphins and to enlist your family and friends, The Cove will also make you start questioning all sorts of issues -- the mercury levels in seafood; the practice of captive dolphins used in entertainment; the crises facing the world's oceans. Our social action campaign addresses all these and provides real actions for you to take. Read all about it in this month's newsletter, along with an interview with Ric O'Barry, the hero of The Cove, who went from dolphin trainer to dolphin activist.
-- Liana Schwarz
Senior Vice President, Campaign
Development & Operations


